I know you want to be a confident cat groomer who can truly be proud of your work.
In order to do that, you need better grooming and handling skills. The problem is you've been trying to figure this out on your own, which makes you feel inferior and stuck.
I believe no one should have to struggle with how to groom cats safely and beautifully.
I understand what its like to stress over a basic nail trim when the cat in the crate is showing its teeth! Which is why I got the training to become a NCGI Certifier.
Here's how you become that confident cat groomer:
1) Schedule your training
2) Prepare for training
Be amazed
by your new skills!
Schedule your training now. In the meantime register for my free webinar "So Long Puppy Cuts!" so you can stop struggling with cat grooms that leave you disappointed. Instead banish fear while getting jaw-dropping results.